With 3 kids, and specializing in child photography, its surprising I capture anything BUT outtakes sometimes...lol This week, over at www.iheartfaces.com they are focusing on hilarious outtakes. 5 entries are allowed this week, and I had a hard time narrowing my post to 5! Here they are, in no particular order...
'The boys' they did so well for me and I captured a variety of awesome photos for their mom :0) Then, it happened, the little guy hit.the.wall. He was done...can you tell? lol
This one may very well be my favorite...me and a photog friend of mine went out on a walkabout photo shoot. She was engrossed in getting the shot and oblivious to ALL else...and of course *I* had to take the shot ;0)
My girls, last years Christmas card photo shoot. We had been at it for a little while and my baby was getting restless...AND silly! This one made the front of the card last year :0)
My nephews, God love 'em.
OK, I lied...I think this is my favorite. My baby and my middle one, playing dress up. Big sis was smooching her and I captured it...LOVE how squishable my baby used to be, I miss those cheeks!!
So there they are, my top favorite outtakes...come on over to www.iheartfaces.com and check out all the other awesome entries...while you are at it, enter your own!